
DNA条形码理论与新生物学本质主义 被引量:1

The Bar Code Theory of DNA and New Biological Essentialism
摘要 "物种"是否存在本质,这一直是个争论不休的问题。DNA条形码理论代表了一种新的生物学本质主义主张。它把DNA条形码视为物种的"专名",在生物学中发展了一种克里普克意义上的本质主义。但是,作者认为,DNA条形码理论不能回答被视为本质主义核心内容的物种"特征"问题。所以,该理论只能被视为一种不成功的生物学本质主义辩护方案。其失败的根本原因在于克里普克的本质主义并不适用于生物学。 Do species have the essences? This is a question which has always been debated by the philosophers. The bar code theory of DNA represents a new biological essentialism. The bar code of DNA is regarded as the species "proper name". This theory develops a Kripke's version of essentialism in the biology. However, it can' t answer "the trait question" of spedes wldch is considered to be a core feature of essentialism by many philosophers. So, the bar code of DNA is an unsuccessful justification about the biological essentialism. It failure fundamentally due to that Kripke' s essenlism is not applicable to the biology.
作者 李胜辉
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期9-13,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 本质主义 DNA条形码 “特征”问题 内部构造 essentialism the bar code of DNA the trait question internal structure
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