

Embedding Characteristic of Trailing Anchor Installation Line in Seabed Soil
摘要 在深水或超深水海洋油气资源的开发中广泛应用的新型拖曳锚,由于受到安装缆绳拖曳力的作用会逐渐嵌入海床,在海床土体中安装缆绳嵌入段长度的变化规律体现了缆绳的嵌入特性,对锚板的精确定位和优化安装具有重要意义。基于嵌入缆绳单元的受力模型,建立粘性土和无粘性土中嵌入段缆绳长度的理论预测公式,分析预测受力模型的关键参数对嵌入段缆绳长度的影响,并采用可视化追踪技术对理论模型进行验证。 New-type trailing anchor is widely gas resources. Since the anchor bears the trailing applied in the development of deepwater or ultra-deep water oil force brought by installation line, it's gradually embedded into seabed. The length variation of installation line embedded in seabed soil reflects its embedding characteristic, which will be significant to precise positioning and optimized installation. Based on the stressed model of the embedded line, we establish a theoretical prediction equation to reduce the length of the embedded line in clay soil and non-clay-soil, analyze and predict how key parameters in the model affect the length of the embedded line, and apply the visual tracing technique to verifying the theoretical model.
出处 《港工技术》 2012年第6期34-37,共4页 Port Engineering Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(5079070)
关键词 拖曳锚 安装缆绳 嵌入段 缆绳长度方程 预测模型 trailing anchor installation line embedded line length equation of cable line predicting model
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