树立旅游形象的根本依据是当地旅游资源的灵魂 (旅游资源最突出的特色 )。目前政府采纳的贵州旅游形象“公园省”的提法既名不副实又得不到广泛的认同还缺乏吸引力。贵州的岩溶地貌 ,孑遗生物跟生活在这片神密土地上的多姿多彩的少数民族以及与众不同汉族共同构成的“山地生态” (自然生态和文化生态 )独具特色 ,这就是贵州旅游资源的灵魂。在此基础上可以用“神奇贵州”、“神奇的贵州山地生态”
The soul of tourism resources (the most prominent feature of the tourism resources)is fundamental basis that sets the tourism image.The idea adopted by the Government on the tourism image of Guizhou is “garden province”.But its neither unworthy of the name nor approved extensively and deficient in attraction.The karst terrain and rare organisms in Guizhou,together with minority out of the ordinary live in this mystical land form“mountainous country ecosystem”(nature and culture ecosystem).Its distinct and the soul of tourism resources in Guizhou just right.Tts feasible that conveyingmthe image in “miraculous Guizhou”and “niraculous mountainous country ecosystem in Guizhou”for the above-mentioned reasons.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)