
大学生多层次幽默感量表的编制 被引量:1

The Development of College Students′Multi-level Sense of Humor Scale
摘要 现有幽默感量表测量的部分有很大的重合、交叉性,对幽默感结构的多维度划分具有很大的困难性。新编大学生多层次幽默感量表具有良好的内部一致性信度、内容效度、结构效度和实证效度,幽默感模型与数据的拟合情况良好,初步验证了大学生幽默感结构的多层次性。 The college students′multi-level sense of humor scale found is a feasible tool to evaluate college students′ sense of humor.It comprises 15 items,and has good internal consistency reliability,content validity,structure validity and substantial evidence validity.The model and data of multi-level sense of humor are matched in a good shape,which verified the multi-level structure of sense of humor primarily.
出处 《宜宾学院学报》 2012年第2期110-113,共4页 Journal of Yibin University
关键词 大学生 幽默感 多层次 量表编制 college student sense of humor multi-level scale development
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