
淮南市供水系统抗震防灾对策 被引量:1

Countermeasures against earthquake disaster of water supply system in Huainan City
摘要 根据淮南市供水设施施工图、管线普查和地质勘探资料,采用确定性方法对供水系统的主要构筑物和管网进行抗震性能评价。将评价结果与城市用地规划相结合,提出了应更新改造抗震薄弱管段、提高重点设施抗震设防和灾后应急保障级别、设置应急供水点等抗震防灾对策,以实现供水系统"小震不坏,中震正常使用,大震保障重点供应"的抗震防灾目标。考虑不同震害影响下对供水系统分级保护的抗震防灾策略,既符合当地经济社会发展实际,又可满足震后救灾和居民生活的基本需求,有利于抗震防灾规划的实施。 The aseismic performance of main structures and pipe network of urban water supply system was evaluated using the deterministic method according to the construction drawing of water supply facilities, pipeline survey and geological exploration data of Huainan City. Countermeasures of earthquake disaster prevention, including renovating aseismic weak pipes, improving seismic fortification and emergency security level of pivotal facilities, setting emergency water supply point,were presented based on the result of aseismic performance evaluation and urban planning for the goal of earthquake disaster prevention of water supply system which is "no damage in small earthquake, normal use in moderate earthquake and key supply is guaranteed in great earthquake". The hierarchical protection strategy for water supply system is suitable for the local economic and social development,and also satisfies needs of disaster relief and citizens’ basic living. It is helpful for the implementation of earthquake disaster prevention planning.
出处 《世界地震工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期145-151,共7页 World Earthquake Engineering
基金 地震行业科研专项"大震生命线工程灾害损失评估新技术"(201008005)
关键词 供水 抗震防灾 重点保障 water supply earthquake disaster prevention key protection
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