
胃肠道术后吻合口狭窄原因及对策 被引量:9

Causes and strategy of anastomotic stricture after digestive tract reconstruction
摘要 消化道重建是胃肠道手术中非常重要的操作步骤,吻合口瘘及其所致的吻合口狭窄等是其术后严重并发症,严重影响病人预后、生活质量并加重其经济和心理负担。因此,外科医生应充分重视胃肠道术后吻合口狭窄等并发症的防治。外科医生应不断提高自身手术操作技巧以及无瘤操作意识,加强对围手术期病人的综合治疗,结合病人的具体情况进行个体化治疗,选择最适合的消化道重建术式,在提高胃肠道肿瘤病人存活率的同时,降低术后吻合口狭窄等并发症的发生率,达到最佳的治疗效果。 Digestive tract reconstruction is an important step in surgical treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasm. Anastomotic stricture and anastomotic leakage are serious postoperative complications, which seriously affect the patients' prognosis and quality of life, and aggravate their economic and psychological burden. Therefore, it is important for surgeons to pay attentions to the prevention and therapy of gastrointestinal postoperative anastomotic stricture. Surgeons should improve their own operation skills based on the principle of tumor free, strengthen the combined therapy of perioperative patients, adopt individualized therapy according to specific situation of patients and select the optimal digestive tract reconstruction. The best therapeutic effect is reducing the incidence of anastomotic stricture and increasing the survival rate of patients with gastrointestinal neoplasm in the same time.
出处 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期281-283,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
关键词 胃肠道 消化道重建 吻合口瘘 吻合口狭窄 gastrointestinal tract digestive tract reconstruction anastomotic leakage anastomotic stricture
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