
全球知识经济时代背景下的区域发展及繁荣治理 被引量:3

Governance for Local Development and Prosperity in the Globalizing Knowledge Era
摘要 在知识经济时代,区域发展从初具规模到实现全球化和现代化,需要行之有效的措施来配置区域资源,鼓励人们学习并发挥创造性.这涉及许多传统的政策问题.我们没有现成的解决方案,而只能从他人的经验中学习.通过回顾瑞典在过去一个世纪的发展,并与今天的中国进行比较,本文探讨了经济增长过程中的主要波动、社会福利状况、区域政策、城镇建设和建筑业、交通物流、产业结构,以及研发和创新.任何社会都需要管理其基础环境、自然资源,以及人力、社会和文化资源,同时需要建立更强的市场动态,从而保证高附加值产业中实现更多的就业.本文从瑞典的政策失误中汲取经验教训,研究瑞典是如何对这些失误进行了修正,并指出了中国目前政策中需要进行改革的一些方面,而相关的变化有待于区域治理理念的革新.我们需要扩大知识经济能力建设过程中所强调的各项能力的范畴,这是对高生产率增长与经济活力所需要的社会和环境资源进行长期治理的关键. In the knowledge-era, globalization and modernization need to be accompanied by measures capable of putting in place local conditions that can fuel learning and inspiration broadly in the population. A host of traditional policy issue matter in this context. There are no ready plans on how to proceed leaving ample room for learning from the experience of others. Reviewing the Swedish development over the past century and comparing with China today, it examines: main swings in growth; the welfare state; regional policy, rural/urban development and the construction sector; transport; industrial structure, and research and innovation. Any society needs to manage its environment and natural resource base, and also its human, social and cultural resources, in conjunction with the establishment of stronger market dynamics in support of more jobs in high-value added industries. Deriving lessons particularly from Swedish policy mistakes, but also how they were corrected, it identifies a number of needs for China to reform its current policies while related changes will require governance reform. Broadening the range of competencies engaged in the capacity building process for the KBE is critical for harnessing the societal and environmental assets that are required for high productivity growth and economic dynamism over the long term.
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期55-65,共11页 R&D Management
关键词 知识经济 区域发展 治理 knowledge economy local development governance
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