
一种测量高压气体中离子漂移速度的方法 被引量:3

Method for Measuring Drift Velocity of Ions in High Pressure Gas
摘要 利用脉冲X射线机作为离子触发源,用高频数字示波器记录负载电阻上的电压信号,通过曲线拟合得出离子在高压气体中的漂移速度。用该方法实测氙离子在1.5MPa氙气中的漂移速度,结果表明,该方法可简便有效地测量高压气体中的离子漂移速度。 A method for measuring the drift velocity of ions in high pressure gas was proposed by using a pulsed X-ray generator as an ions producer and a high frequency digital oscilloscope as a recorder of the voltage signal on the load resistor.By this means,the drift velocity of xenon ions in 1.5 MPa xenon gas was measured.The method is proved to be effective and simple for the drift velocity measurement of ions in high pressure gas.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期476-480,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 清华大学自主科研计划资助项目(2010THZ02-1)
关键词 漂移速度 高压气体 氙离子 drift velocity high pressure gas xenon ion
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