

Professional Development of Department Chairs in the US: A Survey of Eight Research Universities in Boston
摘要 系主任对大学的发展起着至关重要的作用。基于美国波士顿地区八所研究型大学系主任的调查,发现系主任较多地扮演倡导性和协调性的角色,主要通过建立学系愿景、服务师资发展和营造氛围作用于学系发展;与此同时,学校能为系主任的职业发展提供较好的培训与激励机制。值得我国研究型大学借鉴的方面包括:明确系主任职责并鼓励系主任结合自身优势和学系特点确立工作重心,及时关注与肯定系主任为学系发展所做的努力,以及为系主任的职业发展提供良好的政策环境。 Department chairs play a pivotal role in universities.Based on a survey of eight research universities in Boston,this paper found that playing the roles of a facilitator and coordinator,US department chairs have to articulate the mission and vision of the department,promote the faculty’s professional development and create a conducive academic environment within the department.On the other hand,US universities are able to provide good training and incentives to promote the professional development of those chairs themselves.This paper suggests that research universities in China should delineate clearly department chairs’responsibilities and duties,give due recognition to their job,and provide a favorable policy environment for their professional development.
出处 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期47-51,112,共5页 Modern University Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"海外归国高层次人才迁移规律及其政策环境研究" 项目编号:10CRK004 上海交通大学研究生创新能力培养专项基金资助项目"世界一流大学系主任的成长规律"
关键词 大学系主任 职业发展 研究型大学 学术领导 department chairs professional development research universities academic leadership
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