在现代市场经济条件下 ,把市场机制与国家干预恰当而有效地结合起来以促进经济稳定增长 ,是摆在各国政府面前的主要课题。从本世纪初开始 ,西方的国家干预已经经历了两次重大转折。随着 90年代美国“新经济”的出现 ,国家干预进入了一个新的发展时期。主要表现为国家在重新强调政府的经济作用的同时 ,也强调政府的作用不是干扰市场 ,而是创造市场。未来的宏观经济控制不但注重把握宏观总量 ,而且还设法让微观因素最大限度地发挥作用 ,这实际上是一种现实主义倾向。这种现实主义倾向在“克林顿经济学”
On the condition of modern market economy,utilizing the effective integration of market mechanism and state interference to promote economic stability and growth is a key subject that perplexing the governments of every country.From the beginning of this century,state interference in western countries has gone through two significant transitions.With the emerging of American“new economy”in 90s,the interference of state monopoly capitalist enters into a new developing stage.while economic function of government being re emphasized,government should not disturb market mechanism also being emphasized.Creating market is the ceonomic function of government.In the future,the control of the macro economy will not only consider the economic magnitude,but also the micro activity of market. We can call this trend as realism,which has already shown itself in what is called the “economy of Clinton”.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)