双边投资条约 ( BITs)是资本输出国与资本输入国之间签订的保护私人投资关系的协定。BITs的签订有助于改善东道国的投资环境 ,吸引外资大量流入。但盈利是资本的天性 ,实务中外资免不了与东道国的经济主权发生磨擦和冲突。中国的 BITs实践成绩明显 ,坚持原则 。
Bilateral Investment Treaties(BITs)is an agreement that protects the private investment relationship signed between the capital export country and the capital import country.The signing of BITs is helpful to better the investment surrounding of the host country and largely attracts the foreign capital flowing in.But profit-making is the nature of capital.Therefore,the foreign capital is sure to cause the conflict with the economic sovereignty of the host counry during the work.The practice-result of BITs in China obviously shows that China has made a great achievement ,upheld the principles and maintained her own economic sovereignty.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University