
狂犬病弱毒SRV9对街毒暴露小鼠的治疗效果 被引量:2

Efficacy of an attenuated rabies virus strain SRV9 in PEP of street rabies virus exposured mice
摘要 为评估狂犬病弱毒SRV9对狂犬病街毒暴露小鼠的治疗效果,首先将SRV9通过脑内和肌肉接种3周龄ICR小鼠检测其安全性,然后应用狂犬病街毒接种小鼠,随后在暴露后不同时间用SRV9治疗,研究其保护率。结果显示,SRV9对3周龄ICR小鼠安全,在街毒暴露后1、2、3d,SRV9的保护率分别为70%、60%、30%,而相同暴露时间下单剂量灭活疫苗联合免疫球蛋白的保护率分别是30%、20%、10%。对应用SRV9治疗而成活小鼠的中和抗体检测,发现所有小鼠的抗体水平均达到0.5IU以上,这些数据初步显示活弱毒SRV9具有用于暴露后治疗的潜力。 To evaluate a prophylaxis potential of a chinese attenated rabies vaccine strain (SRV9) in post-exposure of street rabies viruses in mice, One dose of live SRV9 was administered by intracerebral(i, c. ),intramuscular(i. m. ) injection to ICR mice that were three-weeks old,no mortality was observed. Thereafter, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) either by one dose SRV9 or inactive rabies vaccine in combine with Human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) was initiated at 1,2,3 days p. e. It was observed that 70%, 50%, 30% of the mice, respectively, survived when treated with one dose of live SRV9 (i. m. ),and only 30%,20%,10%,respectively,for the inactivated rabies vaccine in combine with HRIG (i. m. ). Neutralizing antibody titers of surviving mice in all SRV9 treated groups were higher than 0.5 IU/ml. These data suggested that SRV9 might be a promising candidate in PEP of rabies infection in China.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期566-570,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31072147 31272579) 吉林省科技发展重点资助项目(201009540)
关键词 狂犬病弱毒SRV9 街毒 暴露后免疫 attenuated rabies virus SRV9 street rabies virus post-exposure prophylaxis
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