
鱼鳞冻水法制备工艺及性质的研究 被引量:6

Study on processing and properties of fish scale jelly produced by heating in water
摘要 以草鱼鱼鳞为原料,研究了鱼鳞冻水法制备工艺及其性质。以提胶温度、提胶时间、提胶用水pH、料水比为考察因素,以胶原蛋白提取率、冻力、灰分提取率为考察指标,采用正交实验得到鱼鳞冻最佳工艺条件为:提胶料水比1∶4,提胶用水pH为6,在100℃水浴中提胶2h。在该条件下制备的鱼鳞冻,胶原蛋白提取率为54.06%±2.38%,灰分提取率为0.76%±0.05%,冻力为(48.98±2.45)g,黏度为(1.87±0.05)mPa·s,胶凝温度为(14.73±0.31)℃,熔化温度为(23.33±0.30)℃,质构特性表明鱼鳞冻比普通果冻软且弹性更佳。综上,鱼鳞冻是一种有潜力的健康休闲食品。 Processing and properties of fish scale jelly produced by heating in water with grass carp fish scale as raw material were studied. Orthogonal test with extraction temperature,extraction time,pH of water,ratio of fish scale to water as factors and collagen extraction rate,gel strength,ash extraction rate as dependent variables was conducted to ascertain the optimum processing conditions of fish scale jelly. The result showed the optimum conditions was the ratio of fish scale to water 1:4, pH of water was 6,extraction temperature 100% and extraction time 2h. The dependent variables of the verification experiment were 54.06%±2.38% collagen extraction rate,0.76%±0.05% ash extraction rate and (48.98±2.45)g gel strength. The physicochemical properties of fish scale jelly processed under the optimum conditions were (1,87±0,05)mPa. s viscosity, (14.73±0.31)% gelling temperature and (23.33±0.30)% melting temperature, Texture profile analysis showed the resulted fish scale jelly was softer and more elastic than ordinary fruit jelly. Therefore,fish scale jelly would be a kind of healthy snack with great potential.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期312-316,345,共6页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 上海市科委工程中心建设(11DZ2280300) 上海市教育委员会重点学科建设项目资助(J50704)
关键词 鱼鳞 鱼鳞冻 草鱼 胶原蛋白 冻力 fish scale fish scale jelly grass carp fish collagen gel strength
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