

The Research of Goursat E′s Work on the Series ∑(A_n)/(z-a_n) and the Influence
摘要 级数∑(A_n)/(z-a_n)在探讨函数解析开拓理论中占重要位置,古尔萨较早对此级数进行了深入研究.庞加莱、普林斯海姆、波莱尔等人在其影响下对此都进行了深入研究,并得到了许多深刻结果.特别是,波莱尔在研究该级数的基础上提出了半单演函数理论.文章基于原始文献,探讨了古尔萨研究级数∑(A_n)/(z-a_n)重要思想、方法和影响. The series∑An/Z-anis very important in researching the analytic functions. Guorsat E studied thisseries earlier than others. H. Poincare, A. Pringsheim and E. found results. Based on these researches, E. Borel gave the paper analyzes the development and influence of his idea on previous researches. Bore1 studied it under his influences and got some pro- theories of semi-monogenic function in particular. This the basis of reading original sources and of investigating
作者 王全来
出处 《曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第2期113-117,共5页 Journal of Qufu Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:11001199)
关键词 古尔萨 函数单演 级数∑(A_n)/(z-a_n) Goursat E monogenic function series∑An/Z-an
  • 相关文献


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