
闸下出流及带有压板出口的水流收缩系数 被引量:1

Vertical Contraction Coefficient of Flow from Gated Outlet with Compressing Outlet
摘要 本文采用保角变换法 ,给出了计及重力影响的平板闸下泄流时水流竖向收缩系数ε的计算方法 ,给出了不同闸孔开度 ab 和不同相对水头 Ha 时的具体计算结果 ,研究表明 Ha 值对ε有一定的影响。文中还给出了在常用几何参数 (压板坡度、收缩比、相对水头 )范围内带有压板出口的水流竖向收缩系数。 The vertical contraction coefficient ε of flow from a gated outlet was studied and the effects of compressing plate at the outlet and gravity on it was considered using approximate conformal mapping. By numerical calculation the values of ε were given for different values of the opening of outlet ba , the relative water head Ha and the slope of the plate. The results showed that the parameter Ha has remarkable effect on the value of ε for the gated outlet.
出处 《水动力学研究与进展(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期141-147,共7页 Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics
关键词 闸下出流 保角变换 收缩系数 水流 压板出口 flow from gated outlet conformal mapping effect of gravity contraction coefficient
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