
欧共体明示与隐含缔约权力浅析 被引量:2

On EC's Explicit and Implicit Treaty making powers
摘要 欧共体在对外关系发展过程中,出现了先后占主导地位的明示缔约权力原则与隐含缔约权力原则。关于明示缔约权力,《罗马条约》已有“共同商业政策”等明示规定,其含义通过欧洲法院的实践进一步丰富和发展。隐含缔约权力是欧共体对外缔约的另一重要法律基础,是其缔约权力的重要组成部分;平行发展原则派生于欧共体的隐含缔约权力原则,对欧共体对外缔约活动的发展起了重要的推动作用。 In the development of EC's foreign relations the explicit and the implicit treaty making powers have prevailed one after another. As for the explicit treaty making power, there are provisions on the term “common commercial policy” in the Treaty of Rome. The meaning of the term has been further developed and enriched by the practice of European Court of Justice. The implicit treaty making power is another important legal basis for EC to conclude international treaties and is an important component of EC's treaty making power. The principle of parallel development is derived form the implicit treaty making power doctrine. which has greatly promoted EC's international treaties practice.
作者 曾华群
机构地区 厦门大学法律系
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第1期74-82,共9页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
关键词 欧共体 明示缔约权力 隐含缔约权力 对外缔约 European Communities,explicit treaty making power, implicit treaty making power,principle of parallel development
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  • 2Moshe Kaniel,The Exclusive Treaty-Making Power of the European Community up to the Period of the Single European Act,Kluwer Law International,1996.
  • 3Nicholas Emiliou and David O'Keeffe (ed.), The European Union and World Trade Law after the GATT Uruguay Round, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1996.
  • 4M. vaa Empel, H. G. Schermers, E.L.M.Volker, J. A. Winter (ed.), Leading Cases on the Law of the European Communities, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1990.
  • 5Henry G.Schermers,The Internal Effect of Community Treaty-Making,David O'Keeffe and Henry G.Schermers (ed.),Essays in European Law and Integration,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,1982.
  • 6T.C. Hartley, The Foundations of European Community Law, Oxford University Press, 1998.
  • 7Dona Cheyne, International Agreements and the European Community Legal System, 19 European Law Review, 1994.
  • 8Anne Peters,The Position of International Law within the European Community Legal Order,40 Gennan Yearbook of International Law,1997.
  • 9Communication form the Commission,Building a Comprehensive Partnership with China,COM(1998)181 final.











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