
“中间道路”的艺术史观——豪泽尔艺术社会学思想探析 被引量:3

Art Historical Reflection of a ‘ Middle Course’: an Analysis of the Art Sociological Conception of Arnold Hauser
摘要 匈牙利艺术史家及艺术社会学家豪泽尔是最早将社会学命题整合进艺术史考察的学者之一,在国际学界产生了重大影响。他借助曼海姆的知识社会学来考察艺术的生产和接受,强调艺术与社会的互动,笃信艺术辩证法、艺术的悖论亦即对立因素的融合,并在方法上坚持走中间道路。他认为教育阶层决定艺术样式,根据阶层区分艺术形式和风格,可用于整个艺术史研究。他追求在整体性思想的指导下认识艺术及其复杂活动,并在卢卡契和阿多诺的美学思想之间选择自己的现实主义艺术观。 The Hungarian art historian and art sociologist Arnold Hauser(1892-1978) pioneered a sociological approach to art history.This caused considerable attention in the international community of art historians at the time.Hauser’s concept of art history is based on Karl Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge(wissenssoziologie) which he applied to art production and art reception.Hauser emphasizes the interference between art and soci ety.He is convinced that the aesthetic phenomenon is basically dialectical.And he argues in favor of the hy pothesis that art is paradoxical and embodies the unity of the incompatible.Choosing the middle course is his methodological principle.He maintains that the principle of differentiating art forms and art styles according to the Bildungsschichten that they represent should be flexibly applied to all art history.Dedicated to a holistic approach that aims at comprehending a totality,he strove to achieve,in his theory,a resolution of the contradic tions in the complex art process,positioned his concept of realism between that of Georg Luk ács and that of Theodor Adorno.
作者 方维规
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期132-138,160,共7页 Academic Research
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  • 1Arnold Hauser, Soziologie de r Kuns t, Mtinchen. C. H. Beck, 1974, S.16, S.335-353, S.459-580, S.16-17, S.95-354, S.418, S.57, S.421, S.581, S.582, S. 583, S.588, S.5, S.7, S.242-348, S.10, S.779-837, $.719-725, S.624, S.738, S.784.
  • 2阿多诺.《艺术社会学论纲》,方维规编.《文学社会学新编》,北京.北京师范大学出版社,2011年,第122-127页.
  • 3阿多诺.《关于诗与社会的讲演》,方维规编.《文学社会学新编》,北京.北京师范大学出版社,2011年,第256-262页.
  • 4Arnold Hauser, "Variationen tiber das tertium datur bei Georg Luk~tcs", in. Im GesprOch mit Georg Luk6cs, Mtinchen. C. H. Beck, 1978, S.87-90, S.90, S.81.
  • 5Michael R. Orwicz, "Critical Discourse in the Formation of a Social History of Art. Anglo-American Response to Arnold Hauser," in. Oxford Art Journal, 1985 [8.2], pp.52-57.
  • 6Jtirgen Scharfschwerdt, "Arnold Hauser", in. Klassiker der Kunstsoziologie, hrsg. yon Alphons Silbermann, Munchen. Beck, 1979, S.200-222.
  • 7Zoltan Halasz, "In Arnold Hauser's Workshop", in. The New Hungarian Quarterly, 16 (1975) 58, pp.90-96.
  • 8Karl Mannheim, Ideologie und Utopie, Bonn. Cohen, 1929, S.1-18.
  • 9Arnold Hauser, Der Manierismus . Die Krise der Renaissance und der Ursprung der modernen Kunst, Miinchen. C. H. Beck, 1964, S.436-438.
  • 10Theodor W. Adorno, "Erpreβte Versohnung", in. Adorno, Noten zur Literatur H, Frankfurt/M. Suhrkamp, 1961, S. 152-157.



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  • 2居延安译.《艺术社会学》[M].学林出版社,1987年版.第208-209页.
  • 3彼得·伯克.《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化与社会》,刘君译,东方出版社,2007,第191-192页;第115页.
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  • 7《艺术社会史》.
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  • 9E. Gombrich, "Review of Arnold Hauser' s The Social History of Art", Art Bulletin, Vol. 35, No. 1, 1953.
  • 10Jane Tuner, ed. The Dictionary of Art. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1996, p. 915, p. 915.










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