
“去情境化”与“再情境化”——教师理解变革性实践的话语表征机制 被引量:24

De-contextualization and Re-contextualization:The Dynamics of Discourse Representation in Teachers' Understanding of Reformative Practice
摘要 教育变革经常面临的问题之一是变革的意义在学校层面遭遇"衰变"和"扭曲"。本文采用质性研究方法,通过跟踪北京市某小学引入主题教学的课例研究过程,采用话语分析的方法对教师的对话进行分析,以考察主题教学这一"变革性实践"的意义在学校层面是如何发生变化的。研究发现,教师在日常研讨中使用的描述和解释体系构成了一套为新旧教学方法赋予意义的学校话语。这套话语作为学校的本土解释模式,通过"去情境化"和"再情境化"等机制,对外来的变革性实践的意义进行重构,使教师能够以本土的方式理解变革。本文将这一意义赋予过程称为学校话语的"表征"功能。 A problem that educational reform faces is the disintegration of meanings of reform at the school level.This research uses qualitative methods to examine the process of a lesson study in a primary school in Beijing,which has introduced 'thematic teaching' as a reformative practice.Discourse analysis is employed to look into the process of the teachers' discussions on the reform practice.A series of teachers' native concepts have been found to have been playing an important role as a system of description and interpretation of the outside reform.As a mode of local interpretation, school discourse has re-constructed the meanings of reformative practice through dynamics of ' de-contextualization' and ' re-contextualization',which has helped teachers understand the reform in a way that is meaningful to them.We call this function of meaning-making the 'representation' of school discourse.
作者 杨帆 陈向明
出处 《北京大学教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期132-145,191,共14页 Peking University Education Review
基金 北京市教育科学规划重点课题"中国社会-文化视域下的教师实践性知识研究"(AIA1115)
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