1Arnold Berleant, Living in the Landscape. Toward an Aesthetics of Environment, Lawrence. University Press of Kansas, 1997.
2Andrew Light and Jonathan M. Smith ed. , The Aesthetics of Everyday Life, Columbia University Press, 2005 ; Arnold Berleant and Alien Carlson ed. , The Aesthetics of Human Environments, Broadview Press, 2007 ; Yuriko Saito, Everyday Aesthetics, Oxford University Press, 2007 ; Thomas Leddy, The Extraordinary in the Ordinary. The Aesthetics of Everyday Life, Broadview Press, 2012.
3Allen Carlson, "Environmental Aesthetics and the Dilemma of Aesthetic Education", JotLrnal of Aesthetic Education 10 (1976) . 69 -82.
4Allen Carlson, "Formal Qualities and the Natural Environment", Journal of Aesthetic Education 13 (1979) . 99 -114.
5Sherri Irvin, "Scratching an Itch", Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (2008) . 32 - 33, 43 - 44.
6Christopher Dowling, "The Aesthetics of Daily Life", British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (2010) . 226 -228.
7Alto Haapala, "On the Aesthetics of the Everyday. Familiarity, Strangeness, and the Meaning of Place", in Light and Smith ed. , The Aesthetics of Everyday Life, p. 52.
8Thomas Leddy, The Extraordinary in the Ordinary. The Aesthetics of Everyday Life , Broadview Press, 2012, pp. 131 - 134.
9rhomas Leddy, The Extraordinary in the Ordinary. The Aesthetics of Everyday Life , Broadview Press, 2012.
10Allen Carlson, Aesthetics and the Environment. The Appreciation of Nature, Art and Architecture, Routledge, 2000.