
个人住房抵押贷款违约风险影响因素:一个文献综述 被引量:1

Individual Housing Mortgage Loan's Default Risk Factors:a Literature Review
摘要 文章对个人住房抵押贷款违约风险影响因素的文献进行了一个梳理和回顾,发现影响个人住房抵押贷款违约风险的因素总体上可以分为微观个体特征因素和外部宏观经济因素。个体特征可以区分出哪类借款人具有更高违约风险,外部宏观特征决定了借款人在哪些时间段和条件下具有更高违约风险。在个体特征方面,贷款价值比(LTV)、年龄、居住区域、还款方式、家庭收入、月还款额占家庭收入比例和住房面积等都是影响违约风险的重要因素;从外部宏观层面来看,房价变化、利率水平、季节等都是影响违约风险的重要因素。 This article combed the literatures on the personal housing mortgage loan's default risk factors,and found the effects of individual housing mortgage loan's default risk factors in general can be divided into microcosmic individual characteristic factors and external macroeconomic factors.Individual features can distinguish what the borrower has a higher risk of default,and the external characteristics decide the borrower in which the time and conditions with a higher risk of default.In the individual characteristics,the loan to value ratio(LTV),age,region of residence,household income,repayment,repayment amount of household income and the proportion of the housing area are important factors to influence the default risk;and external from the macro perspective,changes in house prices,interest rates,the season are the important factors affecting default risk.
作者 王竹芹
机构地区 山东工商学院
出处 《金融教育研究》 2013年第2期31-35,共5页 Research of Finance and Education
关键词 个人住房抵押贷款 违约风险 贷款价值比 personal housing mortgage default risk loan to value ratio
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