
学生体育学业成绩评定真相的实证研究 被引量:1

Empirical Research on the Latent Facts in Grading the Students ' Performance in PE Classes
摘要 体育教师评价学生的体育成绩时,最重要的评价标准是学生的努力程度,其次是行为表现,运动能力居第3位.然而相反的是,从教师们给学生的最终分数来看,运动能力却是最重要的评价标准,其次分别为努力程度和行为表现.研究结果表明:教师们在教学计划中呈现的评价方法与他们实际评分间存在差异.因此,我们在处理仅来自教师报告中的信息时,应小心谨慎. According to teachers' reports, the most important grading criterion was effort. Behaviour was ranked in the second place and performance in the third. On the contrary, according to the grades they assigned to their pupils, performance was the most important criterion followed by effort and behaviour. The results of this study indicated a discrepancy between teachers' written reports and how they actually assigned grades. Therefore, information from studies based solely on teachers' reports should be handled with caution.
出处 《南京师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期148-152,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 评价 评价标准 评价实施 grading, grading criterion, grading complement
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