
中国粮食征购主要方式的发展变化及启示 被引量:1

A Study on Main Policies' Changes about Purchase of Grain by the State from Farmers in China and the Inspiration and Impact on the Modern Society
摘要 中国历史上的粮食征购是保障国家粮食安全的重要手段,粮食征购的主要方式一直发生着变化。但国家和农民的粮食征购关系,国家及其委托部门作为征购者,农民作为被征购者未发生质的变化,只是粮食征购的强制性和剥削性逐渐弱化,并发生着一些规律性变化。当前的中储粮收购、最低收购价政策等是对历史的继承和发展,并将伴随着我国综合经济实力的提升,土地管理制度和户籍制度的配套改革而进一步有所发展,研究粮食征购主要方式的发展变化对当前粮食政策具有重要的启示意义。 In Chinese history, purchase of grain by the state was an important means to ensure national food security. The main policies of grain procurement have been changing. But the food requisition relations of states and farmers, with the country and its client departments as requisition side and farmers as the sale side, had not a huge change. Just mandatory and exploitative nature of the grain' s purchase was gradually weakened with some regular changes. The acquisition of Chinese Grain Reserves Corporation and the lowest purchase price' s policy came from inheritance and devel- opment of the history, and will further develop with improvement of Chinese composite economic strength, the reforms of land management system and household registration system. So, the research on development and changes of the main policies about the grain' s purchase in history has important implications on the current food policy.
作者 孙瑜 李国祥
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期14-20,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 国家 农民 粮食征购 启示 the state the farmer purchase of grain by the state inspiration
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