20世纪以来安徽与中国大陆地震活动呈同步活跃关系。本文对安徽的地震活动周期进行了划分 ,并用综合统计分析方法进行安徽未来地震活动趋势研究 ,结果表明 :安徽目前正处在一个相对较弱的地震活动期 ,该活动期约在 2 0 0 6年前后结束 ,估计发生地震的最大震级为 5级左右 ,可能主要是 4~ 5级地震活动。
The seismicities of Anhui and other region of Chinese mainland are synchronic since 20th century. The seismicity periods of Anhui are divided and the seismicity tendency of Anhui is researched using the comprehensive statistical analysis method. It is shown that the seismicity of Anhui is weaker at present, and this period will be ended around 2006. It is estimated that the future potential maximum magnitude of earthquakes is some M S5.0.
Journal of Seismology