概述了南京市水西门市民广场地质环境背景 ,分析了广场建设和灾害发生过程中存在的工程地质条件、工程、管理等方面的问题 ,剖析了该滑坡产生的机制 ,针对近年南京地区边坡失稳和滑坡灾害时有发生的状况 ,提出了防治对策。
WT5”BZ]The geological and environmental backgrounds in the Townspeople Square of Shuiximen Gate was described, and the problems existed in the fields of engineering geological conditions, projects and management were analyzed in the paper. The authors dissected the occurring mechanism of slopes and put forward some prevention and control measures to the circumstances of slope destablilization and slope hazards often occurred in Nanjing in the recent years. [WT5HZ]
Jiangsu Geology