
浅水多次波的联合衰减技术在渤海海域LD地区的应用 被引量:12

Application of Joint Shallow-Water Multiple Attenuation Technique in LD Zone of Bohai Sea
摘要 针对渤海海域LD地区浅水多次波发育的特点,提出了一整套完整的浅水多次波联合衰减技术。首先使用浅水去多次波(SWD)技术来去除大部分与海底相关的短周期多次波;对于剩余的与水面相关的长周期多次波采用了二维表面多次波压制(SRME)技术进行了有效去除;三维面元均化后进行Radon域去多次波处理;最后在叠前时间偏移后的共成像道集内用高精度Radon变换对多次波进行衰减。该方法通过对SWD技术和传统的去多次波技术合理的结合,达到了衰减多次波的目的。对渤海地区实际海洋地震资料处理表明:所提出的方法能够有效地衰减浅水多次波,浅水多次波联合衰减处理流程具有快速、简介的特点,同时处理后的地震资料保幅性较好。 Focusing on the development characteristics of shallow-water multiple in LD zone of Bohai Sea, a complete set of joint shallow- water multiple attenuation technique is proposed in this article. First of all, the SWD approach is used to eliminate most of short-period multiples related to the sea bottom. Secondly, the 2D surface-related multiple suppression approach is used to effectively eliminate the remaining surface-related long-period multiples. Thirdly, the Radon transform is used to separate the residual multiples after 3D harmonization. Finally, the high-precision Radon transforms used to attenuate multiples in the CIP gather after pre-stack time migration. This method reasonably combines the SWD technology with the traditional multiple separation technology to attenuate multiples. Processing of offshore seismic data from Bohai Sea region indicates that the above-mentioned rriethod can effectively attenuate shallow-water multiples. The joint shallow-water multiple attenuation processing technique is fast and simple while the amplitude is well kept after processing of seismic data.
出处 《中国石油勘探》 CAS 2013年第1期59-65,共7页 China Petroleum Exploration
关键词 浅水多次波 多次波衰减 表面多次波压制 RADON变换 渤海海域 shallow-water multiple, multiple attenuation, surface-related multiple elimination, Radon transform, Bohai Sea region
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