
可注射型人工骨治疗手部内生软骨瘤 被引量:1

Treatment of enchondroma of the hand with injectable artificial bone graft
摘要 目的探讨可注射型人工骨治疗手部内生软骨瘤的疗效和优势。方法2011年5月至2012年1月,对28例手部内生软骨瘤患者,采用肿瘤病灶刮除、瘤壁灼烧、可注射型人工骨植入的方法进行治疗。结果术后随访3-11个月,平均5.6个月。所有患者伤口均I期愈合,未见肿瘤复发,未发生病理骨折。人工骨基本溶解吸收,可见新生骨形成。结论可注射型人工骨是一种治疗手部内生软骨瘤方便、安全、有效的骨移植材料。 Objective To explore the effects and advantages of injectable artificial bone graft in the treatment of enchondroma of the hand. Methods Between May 2011 and January 2012, 28 patients with enchondroma of the hand were treated with curettage of the lesion, cauterizing of the lesion wall and filling the void with injectable artificial bone graft. Results All the patients were follow-up for 3 to 11 months, with an average of 5.6 months. Primary wound healing was achieved in all cases. During the follow-up period, there were no pathological fractures and tumor recurrence. The injectable artificial bone graft was absorbed and replaced by new bone formation. Conclusion The injectable artificial bone graft is a handy, safe and effective bone graft substitute material in the treatment of enchondroma of the hand.
出处 《中华手外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期76-77,共2页 Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery
关键词 内生软骨瘤 手骨 外科手术 生物相容性材料 Enchondroma Hand bones Surgical procedures, operative Biocompafible materials
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