
兔背阔肌瓣修复头部软组织缺损后肌肉萎缩形态学研究 被引量:1

Morphological changes of atrophy of rabbit latissimus dorsi muscle flap on the repair of head soft tissue defects
摘要 目的建立兔背阔肌瓣修复头部软组织缺损动物模型,研究兔背阔肌瓣移植后萎缩的形态学变化规律。方法分别使用游离、带蒂两种移植方式将兔背阔肌移植至头顶部缺损处,表面植皮覆盖,于术后2、4、8、12、16、24周分别取材。检测背阔肌厚度、重量及肌纤维数的变化。结果两移植组背阔肌术后厚度、重量、肌纤维数减小为术前的30%-50%,组织学观察显示游离移植和带蒂移植组肌纤维均发生了不同程度的萎缩、伴随着纤维结缔组织增生及脂肪细胞堆积,其中游离移植组肌瓣萎缩现象较带蒂移植组严重。结论成功建立兔背阔肌瓣移植修复头皮缺损的模型,模型接近临床真实水平。 Objective To explore of rabbit latissimus dorsi muscle flap on the repair of head soft tissue defects. Methods The model of soft tissue defects of the head was established and the defects were repaired by transferring the free and pedicled rabbit latissimus dorsi muscle flaps respectively to cover the defects. The samples were harvested at 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 weeks respectively, and then the changes of latissimus dorsi thickness, weight and muscle fiber number were detected. Results The histological observation showed that the post- operative width, weight and amount of muscle fiber of the latissimus dorsi muscle were less to 30% to 50% of preoperative ones and both of the free and the pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flaps had the atrophy at different degrees with accumulation of adipocytes and fibrosis, in which the free muscle flaps shirked more severely. Conclusion A model of latissimus dorsi muscle flap for repairing soft tissue defects of the head in rabbit is established successfully, which is a more appropriate animal model for the examination of the muscular flap atrophy.
出处 《中国美容整形外科杂志》 CAS 2013年第4期235-238,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 肌瓣 背阔肌转移 萎缩 形态学 模型 Muscle flap Latissimus dorsi transfer Atrophy Morpholagy Model
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