
一种微型化数控YIG调谐滤波器设计 被引量:4

Design of a miniature,numerically controlled and YIG-tuned filter
摘要 简要叙述了一种微型化数控YIG调谐滤波器的设计方案,介绍了谐振电路、磁路、激励器及补偿电路等仿真设计方法,借助LTCC、微组装工艺技术制作了实物样品。试验结果表明,谐振电路、磁路的微型化可有效减小YIG体积,磁电集成一体化设计可实现组件的微型化,经测试性能指标达到应用要求,可满足现代通信、雷达、电子对抗、导航等微型系统应用需求。 Design project of a type of miniaturized, numerically controlled and YIG-tuned filter was briefly depicted in this paper, and the design and simulation of resonances circuit, magnetic circuit, driver and compensating circuit as well were introduced. The sample component was fabricated by dint of LTCC and micropackage technics. The results of experiments indicate that miniaturization of resonances circuit and magnetic circuit results in a volume reduction of YIG component. And design of integrative magnetoeleetricity can realize the miniaturization of subassembly, meeting the requirement of miniaturization and weight reduction of communication, radar, electronic countermeasures and navigation systems.
出处 《磁性材料及器件》 北大核心 2013年第2期50-55,共6页 Journal of Magnetic Materials and Devices
关键词 YIG调谐滤波器 微型-ITS 结构 设计 应用 YIG-ttmed filter miniaturization structure design application
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