以处于不同发育时期的红富士葡萄 (VitisviniferaL .×VitislabruscaL .)果实为试材 ,采用胶体金免疫电镜定位技术对果肉细胞脱落酸 (ABA)的区隔化及其动态进行了研究。结果表明 :在果实发育前期 ,ABA主要存在于细胞核和胞质溶胶中 ;随着果实的进一步发育成熟 ,ABA转为主要分布在叶绿体和细胞核中。与处于第Ⅰ期、始熟期以及第Ⅲ期果实的果肉细胞ABA含量相比 ,处于第Ⅱ期的前期果实的果肉细胞ABA含量最低。这些事实说明在果实发育成熟的任一时期 ,果肉细胞ABA均呈区隔化分布 ,其在不同区隔之间的浓度差异随着果实的发育成熟而发生变化 。
The localization of abscisic acid (ABA) in flesh cells of grape berries was studied with colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopic method. It was showed that ABA was distributed compartmentally in flesh cells, and redistributed when the fruits passed from one developmental stage to another. In flesh cells, ABA was compartmentalized mainly in the nucleus and the cytosol at the primary developmental stage of grape berries (Plate Ⅰ 1, 2 );and it was redistributed with berry development, compartmentalized mainly in the chloroplast and the nucleus (Plate Ⅰ 3~10 ). Of all developmental stages, the early period of stage II was the lowest labeling density of gold particles in flesh cells (Plate Ⅰ 5 ). The physiological significance of compartmentation of ABA in flesh cells was discussed.
国家自然科学基金资助项目!(3950 0103