
教师情绪调节的机制与策略 被引量:10

Mechanisms and Strategies of Teachers' Emotional Regulation
摘要 基于学生情绪教育的需要和教师情绪劳动的特点,教师的情绪调节能力至关重要。教师情绪调节是教师在工作场合中,有意识地调节和控制自己情绪的心理体验、生理反应以及表情行为,以使其更好地达成工作目标的过程。文章从热/冷系统、资源与强度模式、过程模式三种理论模式出发,探讨了教师情绪调节的内在机制;并从情境选择、情境修正、注意分配、认知改变、反应调整五个方面探讨了教师情绪调节的具体策略。 For the need of students' emotional education and the characteristics of teachers' emotional la- bor, emotional regulation is very important for teachers. Teachers' emotional regulation is defined as con- scious processes by which teachers control their emotional experiences, expression, or physiological responding in order to meet job requirements. Hot/Cool System, Resource or Strength Model, and Process Model were discussed to explore the mechanisms of teachers' emotional regulal egies, such as situation selection, situation modification, attention modulation were also discussed. tion. A variety of emotional regulation strat- deployment, cognitive change and response
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第2期104-109,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"教师情绪劳动的结构 影响与应用"(11YJA880124) 浙江省高校人文社科重点研究基地"浙江师范大学教师教育研究基地"招标课题"师范生实习与求职过程中的情绪适应性研究"(ZC322011003)
关键词 情绪调节 教师情绪调节 情绪劳动 emotional regulation teachers' emotional regulation emotional labor
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