
简论微观史学 被引量:1

A Brief Introduction to micro-history
摘要 20世纪50-60年代之后的一段时期,是法国年鉴学派"总体史"史学发展的鼎盛时期,但物极必反,就在这辉煌之时,以布罗代尔为代表的总体史研究却日益式微。在20世纪70年代,西方史学受到全面的批评和质疑。80年代以后,这种批评和质疑就越来越多,"史学危机"的呼声也日益高涨。为了矫正史学研究的弊端,史学家逐渐将研究的重心转到了个人以及与个人有关的细微事件上来了,于是微观史学应运而生。 The later period of the 1950s -1960s is the golden period for the development of "general history" of The Annales School. However, during this period, the study of general history represented by Braudel declined day by day. In the 1970s, western historiography was criticized and questioned from all sides. After 1980s, the voice of criticism and question was growing more and more, an increasingly louder cry of "the Crisis of Historiogra- phy" was growing too. To rectify the drawbacks, the study of history focused on the individuals and subtle events of them, so the micro- history emerged as the times required.
作者 李锋锋
机构地区 厦门大学哲学系
出处 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2013年第1期111-114,共4页 Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
关键词 史学 微观史学 金兹伯格 historiography the micro - history Carlo Ginzberg
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