
补饲、隔离哺乳及同期发情处理对哺乳牦牛发情及受胎效果的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Supplementary Feeds.Isolation Weaning and Estrus Synchronization on Estrus and Pregnancy Rate for suckled Yaks
摘要 试验拟从怀孕牦牛的围产期补饲、犊牛的隔离哺乳及产后牦牛的同期发情处理,考察不同的方法对对产后牦牛发情及受胎效果的影响,从而探讨产后提高牦牛繁殖率的解决方案。试验1考察补饲、隔离哺乳对产后牦牛发情周期恢复的影响,研究结果表明,补饲+隔离哺乳组与隔离哺乳组、补饲组及对照组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~30d,30~120 d)对比差异极显著(P<0.05);隔离哺乳组与补饲组发情季节发情率及妊娠率(30~120d)对比差异不显著(P>0.05),对照组与隔离哺乳组及补饲组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(30~120d)对比差异显著(P<0.05);试验2考察补饲、隔离哺乳对产后牦牛同期发情后发情与受胎效果的影响,试验结果表明,补饲+隔离哺乳组与隔离哺乳组、补饲组及对照组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~120d)对比差异显著(P<0.05),隔离哺乳组与对照组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~120d)对比差异不显著(P>0.05),对照组与隔离哺乳组及补饲组发情季节的发情率及妊娠率(0~120d)对比差异显著(P<0.05)。 This experiment was conducted to study the effects of supplementary feeds in perinatal period, isolation weaning of calves and estrus synchronization on estrus and pregnancy rate. The experimental group I showed that there is a significant difference in estrus rate and pregnancy rate (0 -30d,30 - 120d), (P 〈 0.051 between supplementary feeds + isolation weaning and isolation weaning, supplementary feeds,control group. There is a significant difference in estrus rate and pregnancy rate130 - 120d), ( P 〈0.05 ) between control group and isolation weaning,supplementary feeds. The experimental group was conducted to study the effect of supplementary feeds, isolation weaning on estrus and pregnancy rate for estrus synchronization of female yaks. The experimental group II showed that there is a significant difference between supplementary feeds + isolation weaning and isolation weaning, supplementary feeds and control group. (0 ~ 120d } { P 〈 0. 05 }. There is a significant difference between control group and isolation weaning, supplementary feeds (0 ~ 120d) (P 〈0.05}in estrus rate and pregnancy rate.
出处 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》 2013年第2期4-6,共3页 Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
关键词 哺乳牦牛 隔离断乳 补饲 同期发情 人工授精 Lactation yak Isolation weaning Supplementary feed Estrus synchronization Artificial inseminationon
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