
人类是怎样从动物界中演化分离出来的 被引量:1

How Human Beings Evolved from Animals
摘要 人类是怎样从动物界中演化分离出来的问题,即人类的产生,似是解决,但实际未解决。人类是生物,生物的演化、新生物种的产生离不开环境变迁。南方古猿因环境变迁,走出森林,受新环境刺激,引起身体生理变化而直立行走,进而引起思维智能发展,由逻辑思维进入辨证思维,发展了创造发明发现能力,发现火的双重性,创造用火工具,进而使用火及熟食等,才使南方古猿演化变成真正的人类—古人类。再依据"《自然辨证法》解说"(人大、北大、北师大合编,1982年版)进一步分析论证人类形成的各有关关键条件,进一步确定类人猿转变成人的演化过程。 How human beings developed and evolved from ancient organisms, which problem is still unclear. Similar to all of organisms, the environmental transition is essential for the occurrence and development of human beings. Indeed, australopitheeine went away from forest and went through the environmental changes. As a result, they began to walk upright, and their intelligence developed rapidly. Collectively, all of these reasons accounted for the evolution of australopithecine and the occurrence of anthroposapine. These reasons included the alternation of thinking, the development of creativity and discovery, the usage of fire tool and so on. In addition, this study analyzed some critical factors which were closely associated with the development of human beings and further explored the evolutional process from troglodyte to human beings.
作者 邓绍宣
出处 《贵州科学》 2013年第2期78-83,共6页 Guizhou Science
关键词 环境变迁 直立行走 智能发展 辨证思维 创造用火工具 熟食 生存劳动与生产劳动 趋优演化 演化过程 environmental transition, walking upright, intelligent development, d]alectical thinking, creation offire tool, cooking food, survival and producing work, optimal progression, the process of evolution
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