
基于网页时间权值的PageRank算法改进 被引量:6

An Improved PageRank algorithm with web time weight
摘要 针对PageRank搜索算法采用传统文献引文分析方法导致先后更新的网页没有有效给予权值的不足,提出一种改进的N-step PageRank搜索算法。新算法在原有网页优先级别的计算方法上加入网页时间权值,使对页面级别的计算更为合理。实验结果表明,新算法能够加强最新发布网页的重要性,优化网页的搜索排序。 Considering that the PageRank algorithm bases on a traditional citation and the web update is ignored, a improved N-step PageRank algorithm is proposed here. Besides the original web priority, weight of web time is introduced into the calculation, thus the rank result is more reasonable. Experiment shows that, the new method can give more attentions to the latest upda- ted web page, and the web page rank can be optimized.
作者 冯海涛
出处 《西安邮电学院学报》 2013年第2期121-124,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 搜索引擎 响应时间 PAGERANK算法 网页时间权值 search engine, response time, PageRank algorithm, web time weight
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