During the period of reconstruction after Yushu Earthquake, a large number of sea-level or lowland workers ascended there and worked at altitudes between 3 750 m and 4 878 m which is a hypoxic environment. To investigate the sleep quality at that altitude, we performed two full polysomnographies (PSGs) in 10 volunteers, who were healthy male workers, aged 31 :i:6.6, born and living at sea level, without experience of pre-altitude expo- sure. The assessment of subjective sleep quality was performed twice in each volunteer. The first investigations were carried out at sea level in Jinan city (pB=760 torr, 1 torr=133.322 4 Pa). The second studies were performed at an altitude of 3 750 m (pB=416 tort) in Yushu Jiegu in the same 10 workers after they lived and worked at that alti- tude for 5 months. At sea level, workers presented a normal sleep structure and a higher oxygenation during sleep. However, as compared to sea-level sleep, at 3 750 m, workers had a shorter total sleep time (TST) (p 〈 0.001), a longer stage 1 non-rapid eye movement (nREM) sleep (p 〈 0.05) and a shorter 3+4 nREM and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (p 〈 0.05) with a severe sleep hypoxemia (p 〈 0.01). Our data suggested that sea-level workers revealed a disturbed sleep and a bad sleep quality with a significant sleep hypoxemia at altitude of 3 750 m. Strengthening the prevention and treatment are thereby sorely necessary.
"973"National Key Basic Research and Develvpment Program(No.2012CB518202)
Project of Qinghai Development of Science and Technology(No.2011-N-150)