采用电沉积法制备出具有高析氧电位的双镀层二氧化铅电极,用一种全新的方法——电化学催化氧化法测定化学需氧量(COD)。考察了工作电压、底液浓度、电极再生电压等对测定的影响并选定了最佳电催化氧化条件和电极再生条件。该方法的COD测定范围为20~250 mg/L,检出限为5 mg/L,一次测定仅需60 s,测定的相对标准偏差为1.4%。
A prelininary study on a innovative method for rapid determing chemical oxygen demand (COD) by electro- catalytic oxidation has been described. One of dual-coated Pb02 electrod with high overpotential for oxygen evolution is prepared by electrodeposition, with which hydroxyl free radical can be produced by electrodsis to oxidize directly organic pollutions in water. With this method, a linear range of 20-250 mg/L and a detection limit of 5 mg/L were obtained, the relative standard deviation(RSD) was 1.4%, It takes only 60s to analyse a sample.
Bulletin of Science and Technology