

A cascade algorithm of precoding for MIMO relay system
摘要 在两跳MIMO中继通信系统的预编码相关研究中,提出了一种级联预编码算法,该算法把两跳系统的预编码分解成两个独立的部分,从而把预编码问题转化成为求源节点到中继节点的预编码过程以及中继节点到目的节点的过程。本文使用MMSE准则,在简化迭代算法复杂度的同时,与一种只在中继节点进行联合优化的算法进行比较,由仿真可以看出,本文算法有一定的性能提升。 Abstract: In the studying of precoding for MIMO dual hop relay communication systems,a new Cascade algorithm is proposed. The dual hop system precoding is decomposed into two separate parts,and the precoding problems be transformed into destination node to relay nodes precoding process and relay node to the destination node of the process. This paper use MMSE criterion,and reduced the complexity of the iterative algorithm.At the same time, comparing with a joint optimization only in relay node, we can see there are performance improvements through the simulation.
机构地区 河海大学
出处 《电子设计工程》 2013年第8期151-153,共3页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 MIMO 中继 预编码 MMSE Key words: MIMO relay precoding MMSE
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