
三相PWM整流器的自适应PI控制研究 被引量:6

Research on Self-adaptive PI-control Based on the Three-phase Rectifier
摘要 三相脉宽调制(PWM)整流器通常采用直流电压外环、交流电流内环的双闭环结构,两个控制环一般都采用传统的PI调节器,但传统的PI调节器在负载大范围突变的情况下,很难同时兼顾系统的静态特性和动态特性,难以取得很好的控制效果。针对传统PI调节器在控制上的不足,结合传统PI控制和自适应控制的思想,提出一种简单易行的新型控制方法,以改善PWM整流器的动、静态特性。仿真和实验结果表明:采用该控制方法可大幅度改善PWM整流器的动、静态特性,提高系统的抗扰动能力和鲁棒性,且设计简单,易于实现。 The most common control scheme for the three-phase pulse width modulation (PWM) rectifier is the double close loops, with AC side current loop as the inner-loop and the DC side voltage regulated as the outer-loop.Howev- er, when the load changes considerably, the traditional PI-controller can't handle well between its static and dynamic characteristics,so the performance is not good enough.In order to improve the static and dynamic characteristics of the traditional proportion-integral (PI) adjuster, a novel and simple method has been proposed through combining the traditional PI-control and the self-adaptive control.Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method can signifieantly optimize the static and dynamic eharacteristies of the rectifier, improve its robustness and anti-inter- ference quality, and it is easily designed.
机构地区 哈尔滨工业大学
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期93-95,共3页 Power Electronics
关键词 整流器 自适应 负载突变 单位功率因数 rectifier self-adaptive load changing unity power factor
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