
重建后交叉韧带股骨侧“锐角效应”的相关研究 被引量:4

Femoral side "acute angle" effect in posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
摘要 背景:重建后交叉韧带术后的股骨侧"锐角效应"可造成韧带移植物磨损,目前尚无有效的解决方法。目的:通过动物模型试验研究骨道技术减小重建后交叉韧带术后股骨侧"锐角效应"的可行性及其生物力学特性,以进一步指导临床研究。方法:采用猪屈趾肌腱重建后交叉韧带,分别建立与股骨髁间窝侧壁夹角为80°、90°、100°骨道组,均未行骨道边缘打磨处理,测量并计算压强值,用以表示磨损作用大小;之后建立压强值最小组的对照组,采用相同夹角大小,并行骨道打磨处理。不同夹角组之间和同夹角不同处理组之间进行压强值比较,评估骨道技术对韧带磨损情况的减小作用。结果:与股骨髁间窝侧壁呈100°夹角,且进行边缘打磨处理的骨道的压强值最小。结论:应用骨道技术可有效减小重建后交叉韧带股骨侧的"锐角效应"。 Background: The femoral side "acute angle" effect in posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction may cause the wear and tear of the ligament graft, but no effective treatment is available up to date. Objective: To study the feasibility of reducing femoral "acute angle" effect and its biomechanical properties using animal models through bone tunnel technique. Methods: Using pig flexor tendon reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament, bone tunnel was established with the an- gle of 80°, 90° and 100° from the femoral intercondylar fossa sidewall, without polishing the edge of the bone tunnel, and the value of compression strength was calculated to assess ligament wear. The value was compared between the bone tunnel reconstruction of posterior cruciate ligament (study group) od to reduce the "acute angle" effect. and the control group to further assess the feasibility of this meth-Results: The value of the compression strength was minimal in the bone tunnel of 100° angle, which was significantly low-er in the study group than in the control group.
出处 《中国骨与关节外科》 2013年第1期47-49,共3页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
关键词 后交叉韧带 股骨 锐角效应 骨道技术 posterior cruciate ligament femur acute angle effect bone tunnel technique
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