
泰安市社区围绝经期妇女生殖道感染保健服务利用影响因素研究 被引量:2

A study on influential factors underlying the utilisation of health services by perimenopausal women with reproductive tract infection in Taian City communities
摘要 目的了解泰安市社区围绝经期妇女生殖道感染(RTI)现状,分析利用保健服务的主要影响因素。方法采用简单随机抽样方法,自设问卷对980名社区围绝经期妇女进行问卷调查,内容包括:一般人口学特征、生殖道感染症状、医疗费用的支出情况、社区医院妇科检查、医疗技术水平、医务人员服务态度、保健服务知晓率、保健服务反应性、就诊的便利性、生殖道感染认知、家庭成员对疾病的重视程度等项内容。结果围绝经期妇女RTI的患病率为38.16%,社区保健服务利用率为43.32%。多因素logistic回归分析显示:文化程度高、社区医院有妇科检查、医疗技术水平高、医务人员服务态度好、RTI病情轻者,趋于利用社区保健卫生服务。结论泰安市社区围绝经期妇女保健服务利用率偏低,社会重视不够。加大生殖健康宣传教育力度和服务水平;强化社区卫生专业技术人员的培训及技术的提高;建立新型的社区生殖健康服务模式是提高围绝经期妇女保健服务利用的关键。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of reproductive tract infections (RTIs) in perimenopausal women and analyse the main influencing factors of health services utilization. Methods By using simple random sampling method, a total number of 980 perimenopansal women from communities were investigated with self - designed questionnaire, which including items such as general demographic characteristics, RTI syndrome, medical cost, gynecological examination in com- munlty hospitals, medical technology level, service attitude of the medical staff、awareness rate of health services、responsive- ness of health services,healthcare convenience, cognition of reproductive tract infection, family members' attention of dis- ease. Results The morbidity rate of reproductive tract infection in perimenopansal women was 38.16% ,the utilization ratio of community health services was 43.32%. Logistic regression showed alternative areers, higher education level,communi- ty hospitals have gynecological examination, high medical technology level, good service attitude of the medical staff and mild RTI women were more likely to buy community health services. Conclusions The utilization ratio of health services for perimenopausal women in Taian City communities was relatively low. It should raise social attention, healthy reproduc- tion propagating and serving also should be strengthened. Strengthening the improvement of professional knowledge and the training of community professional medical workers. The key of increasing utilization ratio of health services for perimenopa- nsal women was establish a new community reproductive health services mode.
出处 《社区医学杂志》 2013年第6期13-15,共3页 Journal Of Community Medicine
基金 泰山医学院科研基金资助项目(2010ZR65)
关键词 围绝经期妇女 生殖道感染 影响因素 保健服务利用 perimenopausal women reproductive tract infection influential factors utilisation of health services
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