

Poverty Governance and Beyond the Poverty: Reading Disciplining the Poor:Neoliberalism,Paternalism and the Persistent Power of Race
摘要 自20世纪90年代以来,伴随着新自由家长主义哲学的兴起,美国福利政策发生了重大变革。新福利政策的实施,已经使美国福利政策转型为具有高度惩罚性和种族化的贫穷治理模式。这彻底转变了以前福利政策设计所遵循的价值理念、组织运行方式以及参与者的行为模式,对美国社会产生了巨大的影响。鉴于此,三位美国著名的贫困问题专家乔·萨斯、理查·福丁和桑福德·施拉姆在《规制贫穷:新自由家长主义与持续的种族权力》一书中,主要基于新福利政策中对穷人产生重要影响的"贫困家庭临时救助(TANF)"项目展开分析,大胆质疑了其政策设计的合法性、公正性及其影响,重点强调了种族在其政策设计中扮演的重要角色,分析了贫穷与种族、福利、文化以及监禁的关系,提出关于消除贫困的政策处方。本文基于对三位著名学者的分析,进一步反思了美国的贫穷问题以及福利政策。 Since the rise of Neoliberal paternalism in the 1990s,the U.S.welfare policies have been experiencing an imperative change.American welfare policies have transformed the model of the poverty governance with highly disciplinary and racial characters.It has entirely changed previously the basic value principles,organizational operation as well as participants’ patterns of behaviors that the design of the welfare policies have been obeying with,which exerts a huge impact on U.S society.According to this,in Disciplining the Poor: Neoliberalism,Paternalism and the Persistent Power of Race(2011),three well-known poverty researchers (Joe Soss,Richard C.Fording and Sanford F.Schram) make an analysis which boldly challenges the design,impact,legitimacy and fairness of the major welfare package,which is based on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF) that mainly the poor was influenced by new welfare policy.They also emphasized the key role of race working on the making of welfare package,and analyzed the inner connection of poverty,race,welfare,culture and imprison so as to come up with the solution to diminish the extent of poverty.This paper will be based on what three well-known scholars have studied,and will further rethink U.S.poverty issues and welfare policies.
作者 王颖
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期221-228,288,共8页 Academics
基金 国家社科基金项目(12CZZ055) 教育部人文社科项目(12YJC810024) 东北大学"985工程"科技与社会(STS)哲学社会科学创新基地资助项目的阶段性成果
关键词 福利政策 社会控制模式 种族分类模式 新自由家长主义 welfare policies social control model racial classification model neoliberal paternalism
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