
预防性护理干预对产妇分娩的影响 被引量:10

Impact of preventive nursing intervention on delivery
摘要 目的:探讨预防性护理干预对产妇分娩方式、产程时间及产后出血等情况的影响。方法:将我院120例单胎头位产妇按临产先后顺序随机分为观察组和对照组各60例,两组均采用盐酸利多卡因棉球湿敷宫颈协同手推宫颈法,观察组采取预防性护理干预,对照组采取常规护理。结果:观察组自然分娩率高于对照组,产程时间比对照组明显缩短,产妇产后出血率及新生儿窒息率低于对照组,镇痛有效率高于对照组,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:预防性护理干预可明显缩短产程,减轻产妇疼痛,提升产妇自然分娩的信心,降低产后出血率及新生儿窒息率,提高母婴安全。 Objective :To discuss the impact of preventive nursing intervention on delivery mode, birth process and postpartum hemor- rhage. Methods :120 parturient with single intrauterine pregnancy in cephalic presentation were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group160 cases in each group) according to the order in labor. The methods of wet compress of uterine neck with lidocaine hydrochloride cotton ball combined with massaging uterine neck with hand were used in the two groups. The preventive nursing intervention was adopted in the observation group and routine nursing care was taken in the control group. Results:The natural birth rate and effective rate of analgesia was higher in the observation group than the control group ( P 〈 0.05 ) ; the birth process was obviously shorter in the ob- servation group than the control group ( P 〈 0.05 ) ; the rate of postpartum hemorrhage of puerperant and asphyxia of newborn was lower in the observation group than the control group ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion : The preventive nursing intervention can obviously shorten birth process, reduce maternal pain, promote parturient confidence in natural delivery, reduce the rate of postpartum hemorrhage and neonatal asphyxia and improve safety of mother and newborn as well.
作者 王栋芝
出处 《齐鲁护理杂志》 2013年第8期29-30,共2页 Journal of Qilu Nursing
关键词 预防性护理 分娩 盐酸利多卡因 手推宫颈 按摩子宫 Preventive nursing intervention Childbirth Lidocaine hydrochloride Massaging uterine neck with hand
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