
新兴大国与国际数字鸿沟的消弭——以中非信息技术合作为例 被引量:6

The Role of the Rising Economies in Bridging the International Digital Divide:A Case Study on the IT Cooperation between China and the African Countries
摘要 国际数字鸿沟已成为21世纪的新型贫困。尽管全球技术扩散使得数字鸿沟在数量方面有所消弭,但在质量方面鸿沟则进一步扩大,同时发展中国家内部的技术差距也日益拉大。数字鸿沟问题期待更广泛的援助和更全面的解决方案,新兴大国的群体性崛起及其在技术链中的特殊地位和发展经验可为消除国际数字鸿沟作出重大贡献,中非信息技术合作已经成为这一方面的典范。中非信息技术合作成功的经验值得总结,中国外交应当思考联手其他新兴国家与非洲开展信息技术合作以推动整个南南合作的发展,推动新型全球发展伙伴关系的建立。 The international digital divide reflects a new type of poverty in the 21st century.Although the digital divide has been narrowed in the way of quantity because of technology diffusion,the divide has been widened in the way of quality.And the poor countries lags behind the rising economies also.The digital divide should be solved by a more comprehensive solution and aids.The newly-rising economies can play an important role in bridging the digital divide because of their special position in IT industry chain and their experience in developing IT society.The IT cooperation between China and the African countries sets a successful example for the international effort to bridge the divide.For establishing new type of global development partnership,China should try to work with other newly-rising economies in solving the digital divide problem in Africa,which can also promote the level of South-South cooperation.
作者 杨剑
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期24-29,87-88,共6页 World Economy Studies
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