为研究木质素磺酸盐改性脂肪族高效减水剂(MSAF)与水泥的相互作用,通过XRD和SEM分析,评价了MSAF对水泥铝酸盐水化产物的影响。结果表明:MSAF能够抑制C3A的水化进程,克服高效减水剂分子与铝酸盐水化产物之间的插层效应,改变掺石灰水泥的溶解-沉淀过程。与掺萘系减水剂相比,改性脂肪族减水剂通过控制C3A与方解石之间的反应,使得掺磨细石灰石粉的水泥水化体系在28 d时仍存在单硫型水化硫铝酸钙。因此,改性脂肪族减水剂与含磨细石灰石粉的水泥具有良好的适应性。
In order to understand the interaction between sulfonated acetone formaldehyde(MSAF) high efficient water reducer modified by lignosulfonate and cement, effect of MSAF on assemblage of aluminate hydrates in cement paste was investigated by XRD and SEM. Experimental results indicated that the MSAF inhibits the hydration progress of C3A,reduces the intercalation be- tween superplastieizer molecules and .aluminate hydrates and changes the dissolution-precipitation process of limestone filler blend cement. Reaction between C3A and calcite is controlled by MSAF. Consequently, monosulfoaluminate was still observed in the paste containing limestone filler hydrated for 28 days,which was comparable with hydrates in polynaphthalene sulphonate (PNS) dispersed pastes. Different in aluminate hydrates explains why MSAF is more compatible with cements containing limestone filler than PNS.
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