
美国博士生职业发展服务创新:以密歇根州立大学为例 被引量:7

Innoration of Institutional Service for the Professional Development of Doctral Candidates:The Case of MSU
摘要 由于博士生辍学率高、毕业年限长、就业去向多元化等问题的存在,过去二十多年间,美国政府、社会和高校开展了许多改革项目。密歇根州立大学研究生院在多年探索研究生职业发展教育的经验基础上,形成了一个职业教育的整合模型,即PREP项目,以制定规划、灵活适应、主动参与、职业精神为经,以研究生生涯的早、中、晚期为纬,为全体研究生提供了全过程、高质量的职业发展教育与服务。其跨部门、跨机构的合作网络,以及研究与实践相结合的项目开发与评估模式,值得我国高校借鉴学习。 Due to high attrition, long completion and the diversification of job placement of graduate students, the American government, society and higher education institutions have developed various programs to address these problems in the last two decades. The Graduate School Michigan State University has long been dedicated to the professional development of graduate students. They developed an integrated new model called "PREP" in the last decade, which highlighted four themes (Planning, Resilience, Engagement, Professionalism) and three stages(Early, Mid, Late). The integration of ef- forts among partners and a research-based program development and evaluation model is worth noti- cing in this program.
作者 刘帆
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期115-121,共7页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 清华大学博士生科研创新基金
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