
ESB支持的SaaS应用动态互操作方法 被引量:1

Dynamic SaaS applications interoperability approach supported by ESB
摘要 文章提出了基于规则的ESB动态路由算法,通过规则控制的动态路由选择和消息传送机制,调度相应的SaaS服务实例,使得总线能够更加灵活地处理多SaaS应用间的互操作需求。在开源ESB实现的基础上构建了原型系统,验证了文中所提动态路由算法的可行性。 The enterprise service bus(ESB) dynamic routing algorithm based on rules is put forward. Through the dynamic routing and message transportation mechanism controlled by rules, the corre- sponding software as a service(SaaS) instances are scheduled to make the ESB deal with the demands of interoperation between multiple SaaS services more flexibly. And the prototype system is imple- mented based on open source Mule ESB system to validate the feasibility of the proposed dynamic routing algorithm.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期425-430,共6页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 国家"863"高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2011AA040603 2012AA040904) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2009GM028 ZR2011FQ031)
关键词 软件即服务 互操作 企业服务总线 动态路由 software as a service(SaaS) interoperability enterprise service bus(ESB) dynamic routing
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