

An improved 3-zone model of particles with external interference and its emergent behavior
摘要 当前复杂科学领域中的突现行为研究大多基于封闭环境,很少考虑或定量分析外界环境情况对突现行为的影响,而3-zone模型作为一种新的群体智能模型,其突现行为也未得到仿真验证.以该原始模型为基础,构建了引入外界干扰的3-zone粒子模型,其中考虑了交互距离和速度阻力等参数,将全局交互改进为局部交互,更加符合真实世界的情况.对3-zone原模型和改进模型进行仿真对比,观察到丰富的群体突现行为,并定量分析了外界干扰对群体突现行为的影响,发现存在最优的交互距离使得个体通过局部交互便可形成突现行为. In the field of complex science,most current researches on emergent behavior are performed in closed environment,and the influence of external environment on emergent behavior is rarely taken into account or quantitatively analyzed.Besides,the emergent behavior described by the 3-zone model which is a new model of swarm intelligence hasn 't been simulated or verified.Based on it,an improved 3-zone model of particles with external interference is proposed,in which parameters such as interactional distance and velocity damping are added to change the interactive mode from the global level to the local level,and make it accord with the reality.Comparative simulation experiments of the improved and original 3-zone model show that both can exhibit rich emergent behaviors.The effects of added terms on emergent behavior are also quantitatively analyzed,revealing that there exists optimal interactive distance with which the agents can form complex behavior patterns.
出处 《南京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期278-284,共7页 Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金(60873079 61040044) 重庆市自然科学基金(2009BA2089 cstc2012jjA40027) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(教技术司[2008]274号)
关键词 突现 外界干扰 局部交互 吸引 排斥 emergence external interference local interaction attraction/repulsion
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