
论国际货物贸易中卖方的知识产权权利担保义务问题——对CISG第42条的解析 被引量:4

摘要 联合国国际货物销售合同公约第42条就国际货物买卖合同中卖方的知识产权权利担保责任作了专门规定。但该条用语模糊,在适用时存在争议,文章介绍了卖方知识产权权利担保制度的内涵与立法背景,并对联合国国际货物销售合同公约第42条的争议之处进行了分析。
作者 王家德
出处 《焦作大学学报》 2013年第1期88-90,共3页 Journal of Jiaozuo University
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  • 1郭寿康,韩立余.国际贸易法[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2009:35.
  • 2Amy Kastely, Unification and Community: A Rhetorical Analysis of the United Nations Sales Convention, 8 Nw. J. Int "1 L. &Bus. 580 (1988).
  • 3Date- Bah, Third Party Claims in General, in Commentary on the International Sales Law: The 1980 Vienna Sales Convention (C. M. Bianca & M.J. Bonell eds. , 1987).
  • 4See John Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales Under the 1980 United Nations Convention 268 ( 1982 ) hereinafter Uni- form Law ; Documentary History, supra note 9, at 426 ( Secretar- iat Commentary, art. 40).
  • 5See Samuel K Date - Bah, C. M. Bianca & M. J. Bonell : Com- mentary on the International Sales Law [ M ] . 1987 : 321.
  • 6See Article 1 of the Paris Convention states in pertinent part.
  • 7Article 2 of the World Intellectual Property Organization Convention ( WIPO ).
  • 8John Honnold, Documentary History of the Uniform Law for the International Sale of Goods Convention ( 1989 ) ( Secretariat Com- mentary ) .
  • 9John Honnold, Documentary History of the Uniform Law for the International Sale of Goods Convention ( 19 8 9 ) ( Secretariat Com- mentary ).
  • 10See CISG, supra note 1, art. 42(2)(a).


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  • 2John O. Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention, 1999 ( 3 ) [EB/OL]. http ://www. cisg. law. pace. edu/cisg/bib- lio/ho42, html.
  • 3Joseph J. Schwerha IV:Warranties against Infringe- ment in the Sale of Goods : A Comparison of U. C. C. 2 -312 (3)and Article 42 of the U. N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods [EB/ OL]. http://www, cisg. law. pace. edu/cisg/biblio/ schwerha, html.
  • 4秘书处评论公约草案第40条(正式文本第42条)[EB/OL].http://www.cisg.1aw.pace.edu/cisg/text/secomm/secomm-42.html.
  • 5Secretariat Commentary( closest counterpart to an Offi- cial Commentary), guide to CISG article 41 [EB/ OL]. http://www, cisg. law. pace. edu/cisg/text/sec- omm/secomm - 41. html.
  • 6Christian Rauda and Guillaume Etier. Warrant, for In- tellectual Property Rights in the International Sale of Goods [ EB/OL ]. http ://www. cisg. 1 aw. pace. edu/ cisg/biblio/raudaetier2, html.
  • 7谢尚宏.论以际货物销售中买卖双方权利义务的失衡与重构[EB/OL].http://www.66law.cn/lawarti-cle/473.aspx.
  • 8Bruno Zeller, Intellectual property rights& the CISG article 42. [ EB/OL]. http://www, cisg. law. pace. edu/cisg/b iblio/ zellerl 6 . pdf.
  • 9Shinn, Allen M. , Jr. , Liabilities under Art. 42 of the U. N. Convention on the International Sale of Goods [ M]. 2 Minn. J. Global Trade,1993.
  • 10Peter Schlechtriem, Uniform Sales Law-The UN-Con- vention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods [ EB/OL ]. http ://www. cisg. law. pace: edu/ cisg/biblio/schlechtriem, html.










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