Given a normed space X it can be easily proven that every extreme point in Bx*, the unit ball of X*, is the restriction of an extreme point in Bx Our purpose is to study when the restrictions of extreme points in Bx*** are extreme points in Bx*. Namely, we characterize Ll-preduals satisfying the aforementioned property.
Given a normed space X it can be easily proven that every extreme point in Bx*, the unit ball of X*, is the restriction of an extreme point in Bx Our purpose is to study when the restrictions of extreme points in Bx*** are extreme points in Bx*. Namely, we characterize Ll-preduals satisfying the aforementioned property.
Supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Junta de Andalucía Projects (Grant Nos. MTM2009-07498, MTM2010-17687 and FQM-3737)