
低碳供应链发展及运营新问题 被引量:3

Development and New Operational Problems of Low-carbon Supply Chain
摘要 资源短缺、环境恶化、全球气候变暖带来了低碳经济的快速发展,在该背景下,迫切需要将环境问题融合到供应链的研究和实践当中。首先对比传统的供应链内涵,提出低碳供应链的概念,然后简述低碳供应链发展的理论和实践基础,根据运营管理的研究目标构建了低碳供应链管理的整体研究框架,拟在政府规制和消费者对低碳产品需求的外部力量作用下,寻求企业及供应链运行的机理和规律,指出未来值得关注的研究方向,为供应链低碳化发展奠定理论基础。 Low carbon economy develops fast due to the resource shortage, environmental deterio- ration and climate warming. Under these circumstances, there is a growing need for integrating environmental issues into supply chain research and practice. This article first gave the concept of low-carbon supply chain by contrasting to the traditional supply chain connotation. Then it described the theoretical and practical basis of the low-carbon supply chain development. Based on the purpose of operational management, a universal low-carbon supply chain management frame-work is developed which aims to seek for the mechanism and law about the supply chain operation under the external influence about governmental regulations and consumers' need. Some further research directions are proposed, which are the foundation of the low-carbon supply chain.
作者 李媛
出处 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》 CAS 2013年第2期33-36,共4页 Journal of Environmental Management College of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<基于供应链低碳化的企业行为与运营决策优化研究>(71072155)
关键词 低碳供应链 碳排放权 排放交易 资源配置 产权理论 low-carbon supply chain carbon emission permits emissions trading resource allocation property right theory
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